Into the Mystic:
Scotland Standing Stones and Fairy Pools
A Journey of Ceremony to the
Standing Stone Circles of Aberdeenshire
and Callanish, and to the Isle of Skye
July 3 – 14, 2025
Every 18 – 19 years, the Mid-Summer’s Full Moon rises but never arcs across the sky. Rather, it rolls across the Southeastern horizon, never lifting into the sky. This coming July 9th & 10th, 2025 this phenomenon is occurring.
The Standing Stones Circles of Callanish, on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, were designed and built over 5,000 years ago to honor the ceremonial engagement of this momentous event that is still fully viewable today!
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July 3 – Arrival of your airline flight into Aberdeen, UK (ABZ)
July 4 – 6 – We explore the Recumbent Stone Circles of Aberdeenshire. Our local guides will share with us the Mysteries of these Sacred Sites, while Jade will provide initiation into the direct Knowledge and experience of these Mysteries.
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July 7
Traveling to the Isle of Skye we will visit the Fairy Pools on the mystical and beautiful Isle of Skye, the home of the Fairy Folk. From there we will continue on to catch our ferry from Uig, Isle of Skye to Tarbert, Isle of Harris, and then a short drive to Stornoway, where we will base out of during our ceremonials at the Callanish Stone Circles on the Isle of Lewis.
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Callanish – Isle of Lewis – Outer Hebrides
July 8 – Exploring the Standing Stone Circles of Callanish, orienting and familiarizing ourselves with their presence.
The Ceremony of Sacred Union
July 9 – We will gather during this most highly sacred timing to activate the Rite of Passage for both Men and Women of all adult ages.
Three stones: The White Maiden, the Red Mother, and the Black Woman of Wisdom. These are the Earthly embodiments/resonators of the Triple Goddess stars of Deneb, Vega, and Altair that rise and pass directly over these three stones during mid-summer.
Single stone: Directly across the circle – which is comprised of thirteen stones defining the circle – is a single, tall stone of phallic shape, with a seminal band of white quartz running from its tip and down the side of the shaft. This upright stone is the embodiment and resonator of the Divine Masculine, the Great Inseminator… the Moon. Among most indigenous cultures even still, as with the Neolithic Peoples, the Moon is recognized as being masculine, carrying the force of fertility to the Earth.
Women will hold presence and position around the stones of the Triple Goddesses. The Men will hold presence at the base of the Great Inseminator-Moon stone. During the passage of the Triple Goddess stars overhead, and of the Moon across the horizon, we will engage and embody the respective qualities we have aligned with, becoming the mythic expression of these celestial bodies here on Earth. As we journey through the night we will each have healed our resistance and resentment of both the Masculine and the Feminine, preparing us for the intention of the ceremony: Sacred Union! By the Sun’s morning light, we will joyfully acknowledge the Awakening within ourselves, then embrace in honor the Awakening within our Male/Female counterparts in the circle… and thus in the world.
Throughout the night’s ceremonies, you will be guided in song, drumming, and journeying by the Portal-Keepers of the Feminine and the Masculine stones and their attendant groups, as well as by Jade Grigori providing the overarching direction and activations of the night’s events.
Please read my article: The Triple Goddess and the Moon.
The Moon Walks the Land
July 10 – Every 18 – 19 years, the Mid-Summer’s Full Moon rises but never arcs across the sky. Rather, it rolls across the Southeastern horizon, never lifting into the sky. In the background are the Cailleach na Mointeach mountains. The locals refer to them as Sleeping Beauty, for it is here, on this very ground, that the origins of the Sleeping Beauty story tell of the revitalization of the Earth when the Moon Walks the Land.
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Loch Ness
July 11 – A stately beauty in its own right, we will spend time on Loch Ness to go quiet and integrate our experiences in the Sacred Stones so far.
And who knows what you might see in that lake…
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July 12 – 13 – Returning to Aberdeenshire, where we began, we revisit a selection of the Recumbent Stone Circles. Having been initiated into their Mysteries, integrated with the Moon Walking the Land event and the Sacred Union Ceremony at Callanish, we are ready to activate our once and future relationship with the Continuum of Time accessed through these Sacred Stones.
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July 14 – Return home via Aberdeen Airport
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Your Staff Facilitators
Having studied throughout her years in energy/frequency healing, and yogic studies, Rachel has applied her deep and understanding knowledge in leading healing retreats, journey work, and meditation. Rachel Ann is renowned as a mystic, an oracle of the divine.

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$5252 US
Deposit of $1500 US is due immediately upon registration. (See NOTE below) Balance can be made in subsequent payments. Final payment is due no later than June 5, 2025.
By submitting a payment you are agreeing to Jade Wah’oo Grigori’s Terms of Service. To review them – Click here.
A maximum of 14 participants will be accepted. First registered and deposit made, first reserved.
Includes all lodging, event transport, site fees, and honorings for the staff.
Does not include your round-trip airfare from your residence to Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, personal meals, beverages, or tips to those whom you feel have earned it.
NOTE: I am asking that you hold off on making your initial deposit until February 2, 2025 so I can get set up to accept BitCoin in payment. This will help me to maintain a more stable currency exchange, as I need to pay for everything in British Pounds, not US dollars. Your Registration (once I get THAT fixed! Yikes!) will secure your placement in the first-come-first-assigned list of participants.
Zelle is no longer available until they get their system reworked.
NOTE: PayPal is acceptable ONLY if you, the Payer, add on the fee of 3% that PayPal deducts from every transaction ($30 US added to every $1000 US). If sending from outside the USA, an additional 1.5% is deducted ($15 US added to every $1000 US). Please note, that any PayPal transactions without those additional fees included will be denied! All payments must be made in US Dollars.