Celestial Soul Retrieval – Zoom

Online via Zoom

Celestial Soul Retrieval

Sunday, April 5th, 12:00 pm – 1:30 ish

Times are Mountain Daylight Time. Check your time zone for local reference.

Too often the Celestial Soul/High Self/Inspirational Self is perceived as being ‘out there’ or somewhere above us. When this is the case, we are unable to effectively find response from Creation to our Intentions, our Heart’s Desire. In order for our Celestial Soul to be engaged, it must be brought into embodiment.

During the course of this online event, instruction will be given for you to reconnect with your own Celestial Soul so that your Intentions/Prayers are more readily made manifest. Once learned, you will be able to utilize this method of engagement for yourself whenever you choose!

Participation in this teaching is available through an online video service called Zoom.

Contributions for your participation are on a sliding scale. Be honest and fair in the assessment of your capacity to contribute. Thank you!

  • Minimum: $22 – $51. You will receive a link to download the video of the teaching you have participated in.
  • Supporter: $52 – $103. You will receive, in addition, a free download of my professionally recorded audio of the Shamanic Story of Origin “Grandfather Fire and the Circle of Animal Brothers”
  • Sponsor: $104 and above. You will also receive a download of the entire album of mythic storytellings: “A Shaman’s Tales”, a professionally recorded album of four mythic stories.

To Participate:

  1.  Register Here
  2. Immediately make your contribution: PayPal.me/jadegrigori
  3. I will send you an email with your Zoom access code for this event, and your bonus, if applicable.
  4. At the stated time, click the Zoom access link and you will be online in the event.