She Who Sings


The Sacred Union of Mars and Venus

A Ceremonial Embodiment of Their Mythos

All authentic Shamanic Ceremonials are the dramatic enactment of the Mythos inherent within cosmological phenomena.

We have entered the time when Mars, Venus, and the Crescent Moon are doing their dance in the eastern morning sky. As the clapper sets a bell to ringing, so do the celestial bodies set our Souls to ringing, each with its distinctive tone and expression. Thus, when Mars rings our Soul we find a call to action arises from within our soul. When it is Venus that strikes the tone within our Souls, we embody love and nurturance. The Moon, when it activates our Soul, connects us to our long-held past knowledge and perceptions.

Mars: The Shaman/Hunter

He awakens; the night is still dark and lit with stars. He has dreamed of her once again, she, who sings to him in his dreams.  Three times now has he heard her singing. In the nights between the singing, silence. The silence is a cry of her anguish, as strong as the song is of her divinity. He knows that he must now answer that call, for the Spirits have directed him thrice. As he stands upright, beyond the door the Morning Star is arisen and singular in brightness. He feels the ‘tug’ from her and without hesitation sets off towards the horizon upon which she sits.

Venus: She-Who-Sings

She has sat this night in silence, as she has sat many a night, confused. Raised by the Matriarchs to be a teacher, one who would pass on to the generations the laws and rules maintaining a strong system of household regulations and the rearing of children in the Lodge of the Matriarchs, she feels impelled to break and run, to scream “This is not Truth! This is pain!” She knows, deep in her inner worlds of perception, that the accumulations of generation upon generation of stringent rules, rules that once may have served a purpose to help the People survive, have had the result of fear and obedience, and she is no longer obedient, not in her heart-of-hearts. When she dreams, she dreams of Fire, and of wielding Power, and of serving the People.

Crescent Moon: The Matriarchs

Their eyes opened to see, standing over them, the Matriarchs, angry and demanding. Though she and he had not touched, let alone slept in each other’s arms, to spend time with a man away from the watchful eyes of the Matriarchs, outside the temples, was forbidden. He did not jump up, arms at the ready, for to him women were the embodiment of the Earth Mother, respected, never feared. Her passion unleashed, She-Who-Sings takes the hand of the Shaman and announces that she and he will spend their time together according to their own choice, that the children of their union will be a sacred charge to tend and nurture in their own home.

On the morning of February 22nd the Crescent Moon, Venus, and Mars conjunct in the morning sky an hour before sunrise. The mythic drama that the triple activation brings forth sings its tale within our Souls, one of Sacred Union. The tale is known and has been evoked through Sacred Storytelling for time immeasurable. With your request and permission, this tale will be transferred to you so that you may directly experience the activation of Sacred Union within your Soul.

To Proceed:


Sliding Scale:  $104 – $333

Contributions for your participation are on a sliding scale. Be honest and fair in the assessment of your capacity to contribute. Thank you!

  1. Register Here

So I will have all the info I need to go forward please include:

    • Name
    • Gender
    • Your current age
    • A simple statement requesting that I transfer to you the Activation of Sacred Union.
  1. Immediately make your contribution:
  • (Preferred) Venmo: @jadewahoo
  • Please read: A Note Regarding Fees
  • I will email you an acknowledgment of your request and contribution.
  • On February 21st I will email you the written tale of She Who Sings. When you read this tale from a place of deep meditation, or journeying trance, or as you go to sleep at night, the mythic elements of the tale will sing your Soul into activation!