Soul Retrieval for Survivors

Soul Retrieval for Survivors


Hurricane Helene and the Los Angeles Wildfires

New Moon ~ January 28/29, 2025

Free of Fee

Soul Retrieval for Survivors

The disengagement of the Soul is a survival response to trauma. Those aspects of ourselves that are most threatened the Soul will depart with to a place of refuge in order to protect these most vulnerable parts of ourselves. However, as long as these aspects of our Soul are disengaged we no longer have free access to their innate qualities. Trauma can dissociate a wide range of feelings and responses, including, but not limited to, feelings of safety, security, trust, health, mental stability, emotional well-being, and even attributes of our creativity and sexuality. Memory is affected, as well, as we experience the blocking, or blackout, of memories surrounding the traumatic events.

Those individuals who are survivors of Hurricane Helene in Appalachia and the wildfires in Los Angeles are very likely to have suffered Soul loss in response to these tragedies.

While others are focusing on providing much-needed support in the manner of food, clothing, shelter, and financial assistance, it is my desire and within my capabilities to offer assistance to the survivors in Appalachia and Los Angeles in the form of Soul Retrieval. This is my offering:

For any individual who is a survivor of the devastations of Wind, Water, or Fire visited upon them in Appalachia or Los Angeles who still lives upon this Earth, I will provide a Soul Retrieval at absolutely no fee. I will do so at the time of the upcoming January 28/29, 2025, New Moon. This service will be performed remotely and will be done en masse. Imagine the survivors are caught underground in a mine collapse – an apt comparison, actually. The effort will be to retrieve each individual from the deep, dark place in which their Souls have traveled by freeing them all at the same time. Each individual’s Soul will then be escorted back home to Conscious Embodiment. Each person who emails me their request that I go in quest of their lost Soul will receive a return email from me acknowledging their request. In addition, each Survivor will receive an email report of the Soul Retrievals done on behalf of them and their fellow Survivors once the work is completed.

To Request a Survivor’s Soul Retrieval please:

  • Submit a Registration
  • Include your name and date of birth
  • In the comments box let me know if your trauma was due to Wind or Water (please choose ONE only) in Appalachia or Fire in Los Angeles
  • The dates of your trauma



The work I am offering to undertake on behalf of the Survivors is immense, and I expect the respondents to be in the hundreds. I am good with that. As this Soul Retrieval is being offered free of fee of any kind, it would be great if there were Benefactors who would find it in their hearts to support me in my life’s work, such as this, with their generous contributions so that my worldly needs are met as I continue to offer this and other, services of compassion.

To make a contribution, please use Venmo:

Thank you, Benefactors!